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The narcissist infogram: What you need to know about narcissism. Part 2

The narcissist infogram: What you need to know about narcissism. Part 2

Parental alienation (Pas).

The narcissist infogram 2

Parental alienation VKoN volwassen kind/slachtoffer van een narcist narcisme.blog

Psychological Violence of the narcissist

The narcissist infogram 3

 Living with a narcissistic partner can lead to a condition known as narcissistic abuse syndrome, in which a person’s self-confidence and mental health are adversely affected. 

psychologisch geweld VKoN volwassen kind/slachtoffer van een narcist narcisme.blog

Are you emotionally Attached to a negative past?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The narcissist infogram 4

narcistische persoonlijke stoornis VKoN volwassen kind/slachtoffer van een narcist narcisme.blog

What is codependency?

The narcissist infogram 5

the narcissist infogram

The narcissist infogram: Toxic/ Abusive Relationships

Relationships create such unique dynamics that are only known to the two involved, so what is toxic for one couple may not be for another. Since no two relationships are ever the same, it’s hard to make definitive statements about what is right and wrong, acceptable and not acceptable. One couple perceives a behavior as fighting, another finds as intellectually stimulating. What one couple feels is rough behaviour in the bedroom, another may find sexy. What one couple sees as controlling behaviour, another may see as support.

It is always advisable to get professional help to understand what’s really going on in the relationship. When you’re in it, it’s hard to see things objectively and that’s when people begin to accept and normalize toxic/abusive behaviour, making excuses for it and justifying why they’re staying. If you are unsure, then there are some specific signs and behaviors that can indicate that something more sinister and damaging is going on. So, how do you know? Very simply, toxic behaviour arises out of a lack of control, while abusive behaviour is all about one person taking control of the other.

The narcissist infogram 6

toxic abusive relationships VKoN volwassen kind/slachtoffer van een narcist narcisme.blog

The narcissist infogram 7

the narcissist infogram

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