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A Highly Sensitive person tolerate a toxic relationship.

A Highly Sensitive person tolerate a toxic relationship.

Don’t let your empathy for someone’s “childhood experience” be the reason why you tolerate dysfunction in a relationship, especially when you are a highly sensitive person, tolerate this is dangerous.

Many narcissists will have had a very bad childhood, but is that one reason why he or she should use violence? You can have empathy and choose for yourself. Read that again now.

Having empathy does NOT mean tolerating dysfunction – and bad behavior – in a relationship. Having empathy doesn’t mean giving other people the right to walk all over you.

Nobody deserves the right to walk all over you. The only effective way to prevent that is to set strong boundaries. Highly sensitive people have a hard time with that. When someone tells me that she is highly sensitive, this is a red flag for attachment problems and psychosocial trauma.

HSP is developed in childhood, when extreme observation towards parents is required.

Due to family dynamics, the child is obliged to focus on the well-being of the parents rather than on himself or herself. This prevents the child from developing a good relationship with himself. The cild doesn’t really get to know itself. It lacks authenticity.

People with HSP are very sensitive to the energies of others.

It’s an extreme form of empathy. One can empathize very vividly with the feelings and emotions of others. So very factual that you can feel and take over the pain and sorrow of the other. When someone with HSP is in a group of people, it can feel overwhelming.

When we constantly focus our focus on the same thing, over time this will determine our behavior.

This is the case with all thought patterns. Our daily behavior comes from what goes on between our two ears. When parents have mental / emotional issues, they cannot connect optimally with their child. Children are very sensitive to this at a very young age. If this is the case, a switch takes place. At that point, the little child cannot possibly keep the focus on himself.

With all its consequences. At a very young age, the child is programmed to keep focusing outside himself.

Because of this, it cannot develop enough self-love.

And the highly sensitive child is conditioned to later be more concerned with others than with himself. It is a breeding ground for please behavior. It is a learning experience to serve others later. In such a family dynamic, the child must always be concerned about the parents. How is Mom doing? Does she feel sad today? Is Daddy drunk again? Will they argue again? How am I going to take the family situation into account so that it affects me the least?

The highly sensitive child must always gauge the energy of the present moment, so that it can adapt to any situation.

This can range from minimal emotional neglect to literal mental survival. It does not always have to be about a serious emotional abuse. For example, if one of the parents is ill for a long time or needs help, we get the same effect.

Or there are several children in the family and 1 child is heavily dependent on help. When you are naturally the most sensitive, the situation will gnaw at you the most.

Another cause could be that both of your parents show heavy please behavior.

In this way, you were trained to always care about others. HSP is measuring how other people feel, and it was developed in the home situation. You became very receptive to the energies, facial expressions, behaviors, feelings, and emotions of others.

From childhood they carry a shadow of loneliness. They feel misunderstood by others. It seems like others are blind and only you can see. That feeling of being on your own is always there. Sporadically, there is a lack of understanding for the highly developed sensitivity of these people. People who are highly sensitive usually act with their sixth sense and have a highly developed intuition. They have a high EQ. They are hypersensitive.

The person with childhood issues, with whom the HSP developed an attachment disorder can whisper thoughts from your shoulder for a very long time. People with HSP do not have an easy time in the workplace. They see things happening in advance and can accurately estimate their colleagues and employers. You do not fool them, and they puncture the games that are played in the workplace.

People with HSP did not develop enough self-love.

They are the prime contenders for mental and physical abuse. Their emotional needs make them hungry for true love and affection. They have trouble being alone.

Anyone whoever fell into the narcissist’s trap tells afterward that she sensed the red flags, but ignored them. Because of their please behavior, they feel called by childhood programming to serve cluster B.

In return, they are temporarily rewarded with the illusion of true love.

Because they are so deeply empathetic, they fully understand the struggles of their narcissistic partner. They always cover the facts with the mantle of love. They are used to always giving, and constantly giving themselves away and using them for the other. And if she can heal the narcissist, she will eventually be happy.

Then she will always be able to see the good person who seldom comes up.

Only she does not realize that that good person is unreal. Because when the narcissist shows himself well, he is not himself. That is why he keeps falling back into his true self. If you are an empath who doesn’t know how to set boundaries, then search”narcissism.blog boundary.

Work on your self-healing by developing self-love and mental toughness. On the narcissism blog you will find the necessary insights regarding your attachment problem and how you deal with the trauma according to the narp method.

By developing self-love and resilience, only the benefits of HSP remain.

The highly sensitive person will now be able to control the emotional over stimulation. The enormous advantages of the high EQ can be used where necessary. From now on, you will not have to lose yourself in a river of uncontrolled emotions. Busy and noisy environments remain for places you want to stay away from. It is perfectly fine to choose peaceful places.

It is your life, and you decide where you would like to stay.

At the checkout of the supermarket, you simply have to undergo that others sometimes come into the zone of your 50 centimeter energy field, except now that the corona measures are in place. Know that it is permissible to indicate to others that you are not okay with them getting so close to you. You don’t have to accept this. This too is resilience and standing up for yourself. During the Corona period, this will certainly not be a problem. You just developed a hypersensitivity to the energies of others.

Narcissists can certainly be highly sensitive as well.

This is because their pathology developed from a psychosocial traumatic family dynamic. Even though they lack empathy, narcissists, or another cluster B profile can gauge your emotions very well. They respond strategically to this. Rather, call it their sensitivity to polarized energy that they are so familiar with. The narcissist will then use this information against you and help him with it. This is one more reason why it is so difficult but so necessary to distance yourself from the toxic person. Turn on POST NOTIFICATIONS, so you don’t miss a post from me. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, AND LEAVE A COMMENT.

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alle artikels over narp-systeem, narps-programma, narcissistic abuse recovery programma, narcistisch misbruik herstelprogramma

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