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Categorie: English

  • Growth task to break free of your addiction to the narcissist!

    Growth task to break free of your addiction to the narcissist!

    Like an addiction, “loving a narcissist” is an emotional addiction, believing that you have some power over the narcissist and the situation. Yet, you don’t. There is neither reciprocity nor healthy dependence on the narcissist. Likewise, an emotional addiction to the narcissist generates dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, cortisol, and other brain chemicals created by love. Love…

  • Support yourselves with Inner development to be powerful.

    Support yourselves with Inner development to be powerful.

    We have gaps in our personality to look outside ourselves for love, support, approval, survival, and security. Moreover, we do not support ourselves by being authentic or having a good boundary function. We don’t go beyond the fear of annoying people or people who turn away from us. We don’t like ourselves for being ourselves.…

  • Are you willing to take the time to get to know someone?

    Are you willing to take the time to get to know someone?

    Hidden narcissists are among the smoothest and most dangerous because they are the hardest to detect! If you don’t take the time to get to know someone, you don’t know if he is a narcissist. Because they will be able to perform their activities without blowing the whistle. These are the ones that slip through…

  • Therapeutic insight for self-healers. Part 3

    Therapeutic insight for self-healers. Part 3

    There are nine characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and one of them is … A sense of entitlement. The narcissist’s correct spills over into their other characteristics, the beliefs they think are superior to those around them. It’s a therapeutic insight to be conscious of that. In their arrogance, they are proud of who they…