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8 Tips on how to deal with a psycho-socio-path sample.

8 Tips on how to deal with a psycho-socio-path sample.

How to deal with a psycho-socio-path sample?

How do you know it is a psycho-socio-path sample?

Most people minimize everything these days, even when talking about a psycho-socio path sample.

Everyone can have his freedom, they think.

If you talk about evil, it’s like you are not from this world.

I was confronted with a psycho-socio-path monster.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Of course, I hope you never had and will have that opportunity.

But even in the psycho-social world of therapeutic, they don’t seem to understand that.

First, they do that you exaggerate, and when you tell the complete story, they blame you for not being assertive enough.

That is just what a monster is doing.

That’s the way, most of the time, therapy doesn’t work.

They just don’t comprehend what is evil and what is a monster.

Here are some psycho-socio-path sample – s:

69 victims

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Anders Behring Breivik is a right-wing extremist who murdered 69 teenagers aged 14

19, on the Norwegian island of Utoya. On July 22, 2011, before the shooting began, Breivik detonated a massive car bomb in Oslo, which killed eight people.

He then boarded a ferry to the island of Utoya, where 600 teenagers were attending a

youth summer camp.

+30 victims

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

John Eric Armstrong, ex-sailor, was convicted of murdering four women in the Detroit area and later confessed to killing over 30 others worldwide.


tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

The cannibalistic serial killer and self-proclaimed “Rambo,” Alexander Bychkov, chopped his victims into pieces and ate their hearts and liver. He slaughtered and cannibalized the homeless because his girlfriend broke up with him, and he figured being a serial killer would ignite their flame once more.


tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Dennis-Nilsen, in 1978, picked up a boy. Afraid the boy would leave him in the morning, Nilsen killed him in his sleep. He kept the body around his apartment for days, posing it bathing, eating dinner, watching T.V., sleeping in bed, and in other activities as though it was his boyfriend.

This pattern continued, with Nilsen recruiting “companions” at local pubs. Nilsen was sentenced to life in prison in 1983 after confessing to fifteen murders.

Nine Victims

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Bobby Joe Long typically produced a knife, bound his victims, raped them violently, and robbed their homes before fleeing. Between May and November 1984, Bobby Joe Long strangled, stabbed and shot, at least nine victims, with a tenth suspected but never charged against him.

He abducted a 17-year-old girl off the street and raped her but let her live in early November. He was sentenced to death for raping fifty women and killing nine.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

There are eleven women, either dead or missing, linked to John Robinson. All of these women either vanished or were killed over 16 years. Robinson, a middle-aged married father of four, hunger for murder and money.

Robinson was a sadomasochist and met some women through his internet identity as the “Slavemaster.” Others he met through personal ads and other means.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

David Berkowitz A.K.A. Son of Sam, The .44 Caliber Killer – American serial killer who was active for roughly a year between 1976 and 1977.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Psycho Killer: Jodi Arias. She stabbed her boyfriend- Travis Alexander, 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear, and shot him in the face.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Richard, “The Iceman” Kuklinski, is one of the most prolific contract killers ever to have worked for the Mafia. Having taken his first life when he was just 13, he personally committed as many as 250 murders.

Patrick Mackay (born September 25, 1952) is a British serial killer who confessed to killing eleven people in England in the mid-1970 s.

tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Adolf Killer.

t.tips on how to deal with a psycho - socio - path monster

Adolf Hitler gained absolute political power in Germany through an election and subsequent political and military maneuvers that established him as the Fuhrer of Germany.

His vision of a unified Germany appealed to the broader German electorate. Still, the darker side of Hitler’s views and the following World War II brought about a decimated Germany and his downfall. Date: Around 1932.

Photographer: Unknown.

Ted Bundy was guilty of murdering an estimated 35 women in the Pacific Northwest, most of whom had long, dark hair parted in the middle.

1. When you’re dealing with apsycho-socio-path monster

Never confront them.

2. Never respond to the emails of narcissists!!

Even when you think they’re excellent.

3. Never doubt the veracity of need of a psycho-socio-path sample to control and take over anything the narcissist feel is rightfully theirs.

They do not respect any boundaries of any kind. Not even marriage.

4. A psycho-socio-path monster does not love anyone or anything.

They have no idea what the emotion feels like because they have no love

to give back to their own.

If they were to describe love to you, it would involve being worshiped and maintaining control of whomever they set their sites on.

Or something like that.

If they were to describe love to you, it would involve being worshiped and maintaining control of whomever they set their sites on.

Or something like that.

5. A psycho-socio-path monster doesn’t need a reason to attack you.

6. Never let a psycho-socio-path sample get under your skin.

If you aren’t careful,

they might have to be surgically removed.

7. Never allow a monster to tell your story!

8. If you’re a psycho-socio-path sample, you better hope you never cross my path.

Because I will tell your story on digital online social multi-media, it will be the truth.

What the psycho-socio-path monster thinks?

“I was singing to myself on my way home, after the killing.

The tension, the desire to kill a woman, had built up in such explosive proportions that when I finally pulled the trigger, all the pressures, all the tensions, all the hatred, had just vanished, dissipated, but only for a short time.” 

David Berkowitz

“I was born with the devil in me.

And could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.

I was born with the evil one standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since.” 

H.H Holmes

“We’ve all got the power in our hands to kill, but most people are afraid to use it.

The ones who aren’t afraid control life itself.” 

Richard Ramirez

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